Friday, 19 September 2014

Sia- Chandelier; Music Video Analysis

During this music video, they use a lot of wide-angle shots this way they are showing the background. Showing the fact that there is only one person in the music video. The music video is set in an abandoned house and this gives the music video lots more depth because the lyrics Keep my glass full until morning light, 'cos I'm just holding on for tonight’ is reflected throughout the house, all of the furniture is ruined or is covered in graffiti this is therefore shown through the background. During the music video it follows a dance routine that is performed by Maddie Ziegler, she performs movements that correspond to the lyrics her movements are very quick and sharp, which relates to the theme of the song which is about having an alcohol problem. During the video the camera zooms into the girls face (reaction shot) this is showing her facial expressions to the lyrics, she repeats the lyrics ‘Keep my glass full until morning light, cos I’m just holding on for tonight’ and she is looking up and waves her hand while facing the sky. This is very effective because the actions are portraying the lyrics and is bringing the song alive by showing the actions an alcoholic would act.

The lighting at the start of the music video it is very bright, they use very high key lighting. This is a contrast with the out side of the world because the bright lights are coming into the old broken window. Also when they do the zooms onto the girls face its very bright and you can see all her features. This way all of her movements are on show and the key light helps highlight this. Halfway way through the song the camera follows the girl through the house and at the end of an corridor she is visible, the corridor is all black and then the tiny spot light at the end is highlighting her and this is very signified because it links back to theme and its showing that she is fighting her demons because throughout the song she is contently dancing around herself and ‘hurting’ herself and this is showing that she is in an constantly battle with herself. After she has done this she runs away and runs to the window and traps herself in the curtains and she is surrounded by light and this showing the contrast between her feelings or thoughts. ‘Won’t look down, won’t open my eyes’ this is sang while she is by the bright lights, which is a contrast between the actions and the lyrics because she is feeling like giving up or she is going somewhere where she doesn’t want to go but actually she isn't going somewhere bad she is by the light and is surrounded by it.

During the video the girl ‘Maddie’ is wearing a white wig and just a skin coloured leotard which could be portrayed as ‘Sia’. This links to the theme of the music video because its closely linked to alcoholism or the thoughts of a ‘party girl’. Her costume could be showing what a ‘party girl’ looks like before he goes out, that fact that she couldn't be wearing anything and he hasn’t started changing herself yet and that all she is thinking about is having a drink. ‘Sun is up, I'm a mess, Gotta get out now, gotta run from this, Here comes the shame, here comes the shame’ This is showing that she is upset with what happened to her and then she needs to sort herself out, she needs to ‘run’ form this situation which she cant run from because she can’t. When she sings the lyrics ‘123,123 drink’ Maddie dances in a very robotic manner this could be showing the actions the ‘Party Girl’ is taken she doesn’t understand why she is doing it, its like she has been told to perform all of these movements and she can’t do anything to stop herself so she just carries on.

The video has been taken in one very long take, everything is combined with each other and its looks like you are watching a story at the start you see the girl come home and then at the end of the music video she is waving goodbye. During the music video the main focus is always the girl, they don’t swap to photos or someone else this could show that she is in control. They are always following her around showing all the key movements she makes, by doing this you are seeing a different person throughout the music video the girls actions and you see her character changing showing what the ‘Party Girl’ goes through when she is left alone. The camera isn’t always showing close-ups of the facial expressions it also shows how she looks in the house, at one point in the music video she is dancing in the main room and the camera pans away leaving a long shot of the room and in the corner Maddie is dancing facing the wall this could show how her thoughts and feelings are taking over her actions that due to all the drinking she is forcing herself to feel and act in a certain manner.

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